Once In A Blue Moon Idiom Meaning In English

The phrase once in a blue moon is frequently used to refer to an event that occurs very rarely.
Once in a blue moon idiom meaning in english. Once in a blue moon definition. There are generally three full moons in a season although sometimes there may be four. Once in a blue moon is a common idiom which indicates that something happens only very rarely seldom only once in a long period of time. In someplaces if there are two full moons in a calendar month the second is called a blue moon.
Once in a blue moon. When we say that something happens once in a blue moon what we mean is that it happens very rarely. Apart from that sometime the full moon appears to be different in colour specially blue and orange and bigger in size. The earthquakes hits once in a blue moon in this part of the earth we never felt it.
You ask we answer at the end of the month put oi blue eyes on the turntable whip up a batch of these drinks each garnished with a moonlike slice of orange and lift a glass to the kind of warm summer evening that only happens once in a blue moon. Something that happens very seldom. Once after a long time. Blue moon is the full moon that appears second time in same calendar month and this phenomenon happens only once in 32 months.